Australian Newspaper Headlines
Select a State or Territory from the menu above to browse our database of Australian and regional newspapers or use the search box to find your local town paper.
For a quick guide to the news in your State or Territory, here are the current headlines from the major Australian daily newspapers:
The Australian Newspaper
The Canberra Times
- Police warn of traffic delays on Monday due to motorcade
- South Canberra home catches fire in suspicious blaze
Sydney Morning Herald
- Sibling bribery
- Secret report reveals multibillion-dollar cost of metro extensions in Sydney's east and west
Northern Territory News
Brisbane Courier Mail
The Adelaide Advertiser
The Hobart Mercury
The Melbourne Age
- Greens and union manoeuvres make for odd bedfellows
- Boos for lord mayor's Regent Theatre sell-off plan
The West Australian
- Newspaper headlines are supplied by, or extracted (with permission) from,
the preceding State or Territory newspaper.